Potty Training Consultant Near Me? What Does a Potty Training Consultant Do?

Potty Training Consultant Near Me? What Does a Potty Training Consultant Do?
Written by:
Michelle D. Swaney
June 20, 2024

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We serve families all over the United States of America with in home potty training consultations. We also serve families via phone/video chat, online courses and a membership globally.

The Potty School®'s potty training consultants can come to you, wherever you are in the United States, and at times internationally! We serve families with children ages 0-14 years old. Learn more.

Elimination Communication, ages 0-17 months

Neuro-typical Potty Training, ages 18 months - 5 years

Special Needs Potty Training, ages 0-14 years old

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What Does a "Potty Training Consultant" Actually Do?

4 images of children on potties.Text reads: What Does a Potty Training Consultant Do? | The Potty School

We can only tell you what our (The Potty School®'s) Potty Training Consultants do because that is who we are. Our main focus is to serve families to help them make potty training progress. We strive to do that via knowledge, patience and encouragement.

In summary, a potty training consultant should be a knowledgeable, safe, helpful and encouraging adult who has seen and been part of many more potty training scenarios than simply their own child/children. They then use this knowledge to help create, and implement, a potty training plan specific to your child and your family's preferences, parenting philosophies, and needs. If you're not sure your preferences or parenting philosophies regarding potty training, take this quick quiz to help find out.

A potty training consultant should be a knowledgeable, safe, helpful and encouraging adult who has seen and been part of many more potty training scenarios than simply their own child/children. They then use this knowledge to help create, and implement, a potty training plan specified to your child and your family's preferences, parenting philosophies, and needs. - The Potty School®
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A Potty Training Consultant shouldn't be someone who just paid a few hundred dollars and became a consultant based on head knowledge alone. They should be someone who has more scenario experience than book knowledge. After all, you can read a book too. You want someone who is familiar with unique, special, or difficult situations. Most potty training books lay out a basic plan; if anything veers from that, it can be hard to navigate alone.

What you really want is a potty training consultant who specialized in JUST potty training - not a "sleep consultant" or a "parenting consultant" who also "specializes" in potty training. You want someone who actually specializes in just potty training. Specializing should be very specific training, not a wide breadth of certificates about a plethora of subjects.

What Should You Look for in a Potty Training Consultant?

Potty Training Consultant sitting on the floor potty training a child, who is sitting on a mini potty. Text: Potty Training Consultant? What to ask to hire a qualified potty training consultant | The Potty School® logo

You should look for a Potty Training Consultant EMPLOYEE not an independent contractor, and not a "certified" consultant.

Employees have MUCH more accountability than independent contractors or people who get "certificates". An independent contractor can pay their money, get trained within a month or two, and be on their way to being a "certified potty training  consultant." That's not what you want. You want someone with hundreds of hours under their belt before they get to you. An employee has to go through federal, and state-mandated training such as sexual harassment and discrimination. You are not guaranteed that with a consultant. Employees have built-in structures of accountability by both their manager and HR. If something goes wrong, they will be pulled from their position. If something goes wrong with a one-off consultant, there is no backup, they are often their own boss.

You should look for a Potty Training Consultant EMPLOYEE not an independent contractor. - The Potty School

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You should look for a BACKGROUND-CHECKED Potty Training Consultant.

Don't be afraid, ask who they do background checks with, and then verify their check with their employer. I wouldn't want someone sketchy around my child, so that's why we go out of our way to create accountability to prevent anything from happening in the first place. All The Potty School consultants are, and always will be, background checked, both federally and within their state as well. We also check their work and educational history. We want to know if someone is puffing up their resume. We only want honest people around you and your family. We care about you and your children.

Because we would want you background checked if you worked in home with our kids Potty Training Consultants The Potty School® background checks all consultantsThe Potty School® logo
You should look for a BACKGROUND-CHECKED Potty Training Consultant. - The Potty School

You should demand that your Potty Training Consultant be INSURED.

No one wants there to be issues, least of all the potty training consultant. But, just being able to be insured is no small task. Just the insurance designation alone means that you have an insurer willing to hinge their lack of losses on the success of the Potty Training Consultant. Don't just ask for them to be insured, but make sure that their insurance is at least rated in the A range. Grades A- and A are deemed "Excellent" and grades "A+ and A++" are deemed "Superior." If an insurance company is rated that highly, you KNOW that they will not insure someone they see as likely to harm their customer.

You are hiring a Consultant, not a babysitter.

A consultant should have YOU as the priority. Yes, obviously, the goal is to help your child, but they need to equip you with the tools you need for success when they are no longer physically present. You need to be equipped with what to say, what to do in certain scenarios. They are not there to physically put your child on the toilet - they are there to coach you on what to do. If a potty training consultant is physically touching your child, they are not doing what is asked of them. They are to be your secret weapon enabling you, as the parent or caregiver, to know what to do and how to react each step of the way.

That may sound like it wouldn't be helpful, but we have found such power in enabling the parents to feel all the success WITH their child! If we were to tell them to sit on the potty, who are we? We are some strangers. But, if we can give you the hints and tips you need YOU already have the relationship and our presence enables you as a family to journey together from the very beginning to actually hitting and celebrating that milestone together!

You should demand that your Potty Training Consultant be INSURED. - The Potty School
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Your Potty Training Consultant Should have Extensive, Culturally-Diverse Potty Training Experience

Our Potty Training Consultants Have Served Clients Globally, for Years

We have served families in 6 out of 7 continents on the globe. (Give us a break :), Antarctica is a harder population to serve because there isn't a very high child population at all. But, we're happy to field a call if need be). We are super honored, and proud to have worked with families globally. There are pockets in Saudi Arabia, in Ireland, in Australia, and Japan who we get word-of-mouth recommendations from, let alone throughout the United States.  

Global Map of Continents with serve with Potty Training Consultants by The Potty School

Since The Potty School's creation, we have gone from being a little mom & pop business to being a global business helping families across time zones and oceans.

We would be happy to serve your family as well. We have served a variety of clients. To name a new:

  • University Professor
  • NASA manager
  • Behavioral Therapist
  • Pediatrician
  • ENT
  • Urologist
  • In-N-Out Worker
  • Professional Motorcyclist
  • Wife of an NHL player
  • Actor
  • Actress
  • Parents co-parenting across the country from each other
  • Special Needs families (oh-so-many)
Your Potty Training Consultant Should have Extensive, Culturally-Diverse Potty Training Experience - The Potty School®

A Potty Training Consultant Should be Someone Whom You Trust

Point blank. If you get a creepy vibe or a sense of "this is the first time they are doing this", run the other way. You should be able to have a conversation with your consultant before they ever step foot in your home. This may be part of their investment, or something offered for free. We offer a 10-minute phone call for home consultation clients free of charge to get a sense of their needs, and who their child is so that we can best match them with a consultant who can meet their needs.

We at The Potty School don't give out "Potty Training Consultant Certification"(s). We hire fully background-checked, trained, and employed loving humans. As a company, we are insured by an A-rated insurance company. And, if you want to get to know us, we'd be happy to have a first-time client consultation call with you. You can learn more about Home Consultations for Potty Training HERE.

Not interested in hiring a Potty Training Consultant for a Home Consultation, but still looking for potty training help? Take a minute to consider our membership: Diapers to Flush.

Image of potty training consultant potty training child, text reads: Ongoing Potty Training Support by The Potty School Diapers to Flush Membership

Ready to Book a Home Consultation Call? BOOK A HOME CONSULTATION CALL HERE.

Potty Training Consultant and other discussing potty training at home consultation by The Potty School

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